Using AI in education to achieve guaranteed results

States investing in their human resource globally have attained the highest GDP growth rates; as a sustained GDP growth can only be achieved via productive human resources/work force. Take the example of the ten biggest economies USA, China, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Brazil, Italy and Canada, all of the aforementioned states have invested heavily in their HR to achieve the respective positions.

Now the question arises, what kind of investment is required and specifically in which sector? This point can be simply elucidated from the fact how much each economy allocates for education in their GDP; a simple study would reveal eye-opening figures. An investment in education pays dividends in the future, by boosting the economy and GDP four-folds. This investment has to be equally carried out on all levels, initiating from the grass- root level to the primary level, colleges, and finally universities, also, skill inculcation is of chief significance, that’s why technical and vocational skills are paid equal importance.

Another aspect, in fact, an even more significant one than the former, is the method; how education is imparted. Developed countries had put thorough research into education with the help of education scientists, then chose the most effective, feasible and impactful delivery method; making it more engaging, interesting and practical with amazing outcomes; as unlike in underdeveloped nations, studies are not burdensome in the developed world.

To counter the situation, Zharbiz international; a conglomerate offering worldwide consultancies in various fields including education, has offered a feasible yet cost-effective solution in the form of ‘Zharbiz-Claned’, an AI-based adaptive learning platform, offering real-time analytics. The platform, already implemented in Finland, has yielded incredible results with a raise in student productivity.

Claned, if implemented in low-income, underdeveloped nations, such as Pakistan, it could increase the productivity level of students. The platform mitigates the need to travel for classes, as it can be accessed from anywhere with the help of a computer and internet connectivity. This is especially relevant and feasible in current and post-COVID times, where everything is online, and where parents would still be hesitant to send their kids to educational institutes upon re-opening.

In addition, the platform’s adaptive technology assists by decreasing educational gaps; making the learning more engaging on a personalized level whereby students can choose the content through which they’d want to learn, moreover, it encourages progressive learning by providing instant performance feedback. This can be hugely beneficial in Pakistan, due to the current regressive educational system that lacks innovation and is unable to generate interest, on part of the student.

Claned’s implementation can help Pakistan decrease the out-of-school children rate, increase literacy rate, and generally inculcate and motivate students to pursue education and on the contrary, not get deterred. Indirectly, if implemented, the platform could usher in a revolution by spurring growth.

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