What if I told you, you just stumbled upon the ultimate designer’s dream – a magic lamp with an AI-powered Genie that grants you unlimited wishes? And no, it is not some fairy tale. We’re talking about real-life tools that can make your creative dreams come true. We’re all like modern-day Aladdins, ready to take work from the most powerful Genie.

When most people think of artificial intelligence (AI), they think of Hollywood movies where robots become self-aware and overthrow their human masters. But the reality of AI is far more exciting. There are several types of AI, but one of the most promising is generative AI.

“The future will be generated. Generative AI is redefining the way we interface with technology. And it’s happening much faster than anyone anticipated.”


Generative AI is a type of AI that is concerned with creating new things. This can be anything from new artwork to new designs for products or buildings. Generative AI is often used in conjunction with other types of AI, such as machine learning, to create even more complex and intricate things.

Generative AI has multiple categories to create new content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos. Recent breakthroughs in the field have the potential to change the way we approach content creation drastically.

We can generate content in multiple ways, such as text-to-text, text-to-image, text-to-video, text-to-audio, text-to-motion, text-to-code, image-to-image, and image-to-video. The opportunities are endless to generate customized content.

Google has recently unveiled plans to introduce a range of generative AI functionalities for its Workspace applications, such as Gmail and Google Docs. These features will enable users to brainstorm, generate, and summarize text with the help of AI directly within Google Docs. This is yet another step forward in Google’s plans to not only catch up, but dethrone Microsoft as the leader in the Generative AI race.

So how can generative AI and design tools help you create the future you want? Read on to find out!

Tools for Designers / Generative AI Tools

There are billions of eye-catching images online, and the creator behind the bulk of those photos are not humans anymore. Let’s take a closer look at one of the most capable AI tools to understand how it works.

1. Midjourney:

Midjourney is an AI-powered design tool that helps designers create unique designs by generating hundreds of variations based on the designer’s input. It uses AI algorithms to analyze design elements such as colour, typography, and layout and then generates a range of variations based on these elements. The designer can then select the best design from the generated variations. The AI genie will keep fulfilling your wishes according to your prompt until you find your desired results.

One of the key features of Midjourney is its ability to generate designs that are tailored to the brand or business that the designer is working with. For example, if a designer is working with a fashion brand, Midjourney can generate Photo Realistic visual designs that are aligned with the brand’s aesthetic and appeal to its target audience.

Pro Tip: you got 25 credits for free, so make sure to use them before buying more credits, and always remember the clearer and more detailed the prompt, the better the results.

2. Gen 1 by Runway:

Gen 1 by Runway is largely based on videos rather than merely images; it’s a suite of AI-powered creative tools that allow users to generate and manipulate images and videos using machine learning algorithms. The tool uses a range of AI models that provides multiple modes to help its users, such as:

  • Stylization: Transfer the style of any image or prompt to every frame of your video. For example, you provide a Van Gogh’s starry night image reference and a video of your study room; let the genie transfer your room to Van Gogh’s starry night study; amazing, isn’t it?
  • Storyboard: Turn mockups into fully stylized and animated renders. For example, you gave the video of some boxes that looked like cityscapes and let the genie do the magic, turning your boxes into fully rendered cityscapes, and you might be able to burn a few of them according to your storyboard.
  • Mask: Isolate subjects in your video and modify them with simple text prompts. For example: give the video of a red car driving on the road followed by a sunset, but you want that red car to be blue or any other colour; give the prompt, and Runway will make the red run away.

3. Magenta:

Magenta is like a personal AI bandmate and art assistant. It’s an open-source project created by Google that uses machine learning algorithms to help musicians and artists create unique pieces of music and art.

With Magenta, you can input a few notes or chords and watch as the tool generates a full melody based on your input. You can also edit and refine the music to personalize it.

But Magenta isn’t for musicians only; it also has tools that can help artists create visual art using machine learning algorithms. DeepDream is one such tool that generates images based on patterns found in existing images.

4. Adobe Sensei:

Adobe Sensei is a potpourri of AI-powered tools and features built into Adobe’s creative products, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. These powerful tools are designed to help designers automate repetitive tasks for a smoother workflow.

With Adobe Sensei, you no longer need to spend hours on boring tasks like resizing images or adjusting colors. The suite provides you with advanced AI-powered tools that enable you to remove unwanted elements from photos using automated image recognition, automatically adjust the size of your designs for different platforms using intelligent scaling, and much more.

5. Chat GPT:

Well, this definition itself is written by Chat GPT. ChatGPT is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) called a language model. Specifically, it is based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture developed by OpenAI. It is pre-trained on vast amounts of text data from the internet, which enables it to understand and generate human-like language.

When you interact with ChatGPT, it uses natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze your input and understand what you’re saying. It then generates a response based on what it has learned from its pre-training data and its interactions with other users.

ChatGPT can respond to a wide range of questions and topics, from factual queries to more conversational or open-ended prompts. It can even recognize and respond to humour and sarcasm in some cases.

As a language model, ChatGPT is constantly learning and improving over time. Its responses are based on the data it has been trained on, so it may occasionally make mistakes or provide inaccurate information. However, it is generally fairly good at understanding natural language and providing helpful responses to users.

“GPT-4 is 500 times more powerful than the current version of ChatGPT and will be released very soon; a newer version of Chat GPT has 100 Trillion Machine learning parameters whereas the older version had 175 Billion, which has sent shockwaves in the corporate world.”

With these advancements, artificial intelligence can now be used to write movie scripts, generate actors for films, produce movies, and bring them to the public without hiring real-life actors. Humanity is on the doorstep of Singularity, but there is no need to be afraid. These tools have opened up new possibilities for everyone. Men can pet anything. Pet AI for good use. Learn it. Play with it. Create with it.

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Aqib, the Head of Innovation and Senior Designer at Ishtehari, is a creative genius. His ability to think outside the box is unparalleled. When he's not busy designing, Aqib loves to crack puns and jokes, so don't be surprised if you find yourself laughing out loud in his presence!