Backlog Brilliance is a segment that takes you back in time—to the Synergyzer of Yesteryear. This quiz is from the first Synergyzer, published in 2003.
How you manage your time says a lot about your personality. Find out which personality best describes you through this quiz.
Go through the questions and choose the option for you!
A) Your friend comes for a visit and you serve coffee.
When he/she is finished with his/her cup, he/she sets it on the coffee table.
What do you do?
1. Immediately whisk the cup to the kitchen, wash, dry, and put it away.
2. Wait until he/she leaves, then take the cup to the kitchen, wash, dry and put it away.
3. Take it to the sink on one of your passes through the living room and put it with the other dishes to be washed later.
4. Not notice it again until someone points out to you that the cup has been lying there for ages.
B) If you were to go to your closet right now, you will find:
1. All of the clothes hung in categories of style and then subdivided into subcategories of colour.
2. All of the clothes hung neatly from longer to shorter.
3. Most of the clothes on hangers and closet hooks are hung with no concept of order.
4. Half of the clothes are hung and half are thrown on the chair and floor.
C) When someone is late, it:
1. Drives you crazy and puts you in a bad mood.
2. Drives you crazy but you quickly get over it?
3. Bothers you but you find other things to do while you wait?
4. Never notice when others are late because you’re always later.
D) When you make plans to go someplace new, you:
1. Carefully map out your route ahead of time and make an emergency plan should the original map be lost.
2. Write the information down and look at it before you begin.
3. Try to do things from memory and, if you find yourself lost, finally resort to looking at directions.
4. Scribble directions on an empty gum wrapper or other scrap and forget them at home.
E) When it comes to making lists, you:
1. Have multiple lists going at any given time and feel a compulsion to get every single thing on them done?
2. Write a daily “to-do list” and become annoyed when plans are changed.
3. Write things down on anything you can find including your hand?
4. Never write anything down.
If you got all or mostly 1’s, you are Type A Compulsive.
If you got all or mostly 2’s, you are Type A Casual.
If you got all or mostly 3’s, you are Type B Motivated.
If you got all or mostly 4’s, you are Type B Messy.
Let’s talk about personalities!
If you are a:
Type A Compulsive: You clean the house before anyone even eats in the morning. You have the compulsion to keep things very clean all the time.
Moreover, you are NEVER late for anything unless there is an extreme emergency.
Type A Casual: You usually tend to take things casually. If you have set your mind onto something and for some reason don’t find time to complete it, you lose interest in it after a while. You are determined but with time other things become more important. You buy stuff, try to fit them in your surroundings but put them away when you realize there isn’t any space for them and over time you lose interest in them and ultimately other things become more important to you.
Type B Motivated: You get frustrated because you could not get to your appointments on time know matter how hard you tried? You are always late because a friend stopped by to chat. (A chat with a friend is usually more important to the Type B person) Did you get to some appointments on time, but found you had left the slip with all the much-needed info on it, on the counter by the phone that you stopped to answer on your way out? Are you continuously making lists, only to lose them? Do you make wholehearted efforts to get things accomplished, but don’t because of numerous distractions? I think you might just be a Type B motivated!
Type B Messy: Type B messies would usually love to be more organized, but just haven’t found how to manage it. They are good in believing that people are often more important to them than cleaning, but they usually secretly wish that their lives were more in control. These people have homes that look like hurricanes have just blown through. If they have children, their clothes don’t need to match. The kids just need to be dressed. They are however very loyal friends.