New York City, often called a dream city for good reason. Why? This one city offers so much. It is referred to as the capital of almost every industry; Financial, Media, Tourism, fashion, and for me, even Marketing. It’s not just a city glamorized in movies and sitcoms, it does have THE vibe. When I started working here, I worried about keeping up with the fast pace, but the city’s energy quickly draws you in. Not just the pace of work and life but also the way industries evolve right in front of your eyes.

 Here are 3 reasons why marketers would love to gain experience in this city:

Classic Media Still Thrive

It is probably the only city that keeps old-school marketing methods alive. Take for instance Billboards, which seems like an old-school idea to get your brand’s key visual on a big screen. But guess what? Marketers are still willing to pay a hefty amount to get featured on one of the Times Square billboards. One billboard alone generates more than 1.5Mn impressions a day! Even TV and radio, mediums becoming rapidly redundant, especially with Gen Z is still pretty relevant in NY. The cost of getting your brand featured in one of the cheapest spots starts from a million dollars. Hence, marketers, bring back those guerilla marketing concepts!

Diversity at its Peak

It is one of the most multicultural cities in the world with people residing/visiting from all over the world. The city also has the most diverse age bracket with 64% of people between the ages of 18 to 64. That means, as a marketer, you have to target Gen Z, Alpha, and Millenials and stay relevant for Gen X and Boomers. Not just that, it also is home to people from multiple religious, ethical, and cultural beliefs. NYC challenges marketers to craft campaigns that resonate across various demographics and psychographics. Success here means finding insights that unify diverse audiences while keeping your brand relevant.

Everyone is Watching!

The city’s saturated media landscape means standing out requires exceptional creativity and strategic insight. It is common for brands to sometimes take years to launch a big campaign in NY. Why? Because the last thing you want is for your campaign to go unnoticed here. It is an uphill battle to get a share of voice in the sea of campaigns and brands that are being advertised here. While it’s tough to break through the clutter, getting noticed in NYC means that the world is watching. It really can boost your campaign and hence brand’s success. Now that’s what gives every marketer an adrenaline rush.

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Sarah currently holds the role of Associate Director for Nutrition business at Unilever USA. She is a seasoned marketer with over 12 years of brand/portfolio management experience in the CPG industry. She has a career spanning over 6 diverse categories and 3 regions (North America, Africa and South Asia). Throughout her career, she’s successfully launched over 20 campaigns and introduced over 15 pioneering innovations. Her specialty lies in crafting compelling brand narratives and strategically positioning categories for exponential growth through innovation.