Dove has been transforming the beauty and hygiene world with their positive, uplifting, and unique adverts. Their mission is to make beauty an exciting experience, becoming a source of confidence for women all over the world. Dove altered the beauty and marketing industry, for women of all shapes, colours, and sizes ultimately as they added inclusivity to their campaigns. The company was a pioneer in striving for realness and authenticity.

In 2004, the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty was groundbreaking, it had stunned people all over the world, no one really knew what went into making a model or an actress seem the way they do on screen or on the cover of a magazine or on a billboard, to show something so raw, unfiltered and real was revolutionary.

To show women, and regular girls that our perception of beauty is distorted, a broader image of beauty was concealed from us, the audience. This campaign was essential for instilling a crucial message in young girls and mature women and revolutionised the way the marketing industry had been portraying beauty for years.

The company commits to redefining beauty and it actively uses its ad campaigns as an opportunity to challenge stereotypes and celebrate the uniqueness of women. To celebrate the 60-year anniversary of the brand, they renewed their commitments to women all over the world by launching the ‘Dove Real Beauty Pledge’, consisting of three vows:

  1. We always feature women, never models.
  2. We portray women as they are in real life.
  3. We do not digitally distort our images.

They followed up these vows with a heartwarming statement:

“In a world in which girls are too often held back by low self-esteem and anxiety about their looks, Dove is on a mission to ensure that the next generation grows up enjoying a positive relationship with the way they look and to help them raise their self-esteem.”

This week, Dove released another advert, which as always has a beautiful message to it, Beauty Never Gets Old.

It is such a pleasure to watch, it’s not only heartwarming but incredibly motivating. The video begins with a woman with grey hair and deep wrinkles in a handstand position, moving effortlessly and gracefully, the frame moves to another woman, black, bold, and beautiful and so it goes. The advert continues whilst different women take centre stage, sharing the year when they began using the infamous ‘Dove Beauty Bar’, marking that time as when they began their self-care. This effective usage of the year these women began using the cleanser, displays their entrance into womanhood, into maturity, and when they began taking care of themselves.

The video also exhibits corresponding visuals, women of a wide range of ages conveying the manner of self-maintenance. All of the various activities that they carry out to nourish, recharge, and rejuvenate themselves. It is beautiful to watch; the stunning setting, their unique activities, and the star of the show, the women looking powerful, sexy and so happy.

The title of the ad is, Beauty Never Gets Old and does it justice to the content of the video. The subjects of this video were the epitome of timeless beauty, they were bold, confident, and real, and that is what Dove tries to do each time they puts out a campaign

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Ayesha Anjum is an editorial assistant at Synergyzer, with an English Literature degree and a tendency to overanalyse the universe, she’s set out on a quest in the world of journalism. She approaches everything in life with the intensity of someone who’s been triple-dared. Ayesha is a self-proclaimed connoisseur of existential dread, while most kids were out playing, she was inside, furiously scribbling poetry about the fleeting nature of life and the emotional complexities of losing her favourite toy. She’s here to make you think “Wow, she’s funny, but is she okay?” one caffeine-induced anxiety spiral at a time, because sometimes the best stories come from the messy, weird experiences of just being human.