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Youtube: A Digital Platform Showcasing Pakistan’s Content Creators

In the past decade YouTube, Google’s most popular subsidiary, has introduced revolutionary trends for businesses and consumers in Pakistan and has emerged as one of the most profitable business platforms. The platform has become...

Actor Omair Rana On Why Artists Need To Be United For Royalty

Omair Rana stresses the importance of artists being a part of guilds and unions to ensure their rights can be met.  Synergyzer: What is the difference in content productions for mainstream television versus digital platforms? Omair...

Head of Marketing – Innovative Biscuits on managing a storytelling channel over YouTube

Umair Mustafa, Head of Marketing – Innovative Biscuits, talks about the nuances of creating and managing a digital content channel over YouTube.  Synergyzer: Why did Innovative Biscuits create the Digestive Showtime platform on YouTube, especially...

Sultan Ghani Afzal On Creating Content For Digestive Showtime on YouTube

Sultan Ghani Afzal, Founder & CEO - Tall Man Films, talks about creating content for a brand platform without over-exposing the brand. Synergyzer: Tall Man Films partnered with Innovative Biscuits for the Digestive Showtime anthology...

Ali Raza Merchant Discusses How Digital Screens Continue To Disrupt Technology

With the advent of COVID-19, humanity has been challenged to levels that are unprecedented. The dominance of screens in our lives is a major reminder of how we have embraced isolation and physical distancing...

Umair Kazi Teams Up With Suveer Bajaj For The Podcast, 883 To Infinity

Don’t do it. That’s what I heard, multiple times in a row, when I told some people that I was starting a podcast with a friend from across the border. I would’ve listened to them,...

Q&A: Hon. Dato’ Sheikh Jamal talks about launching Mr. MUFE in Pakistan

Hon. Dato’ Sheikh Jamal, Chairman & Founder Mr. MUFE (Worldwide) talks about bringing Pakistan’s very own digital entertainment platform to the country’s audience and the power of local thinking. Synergyzer: Congratulations in bringing Pakistan’s first...

Brand Director Atifa Silk Discusses Campaign Asia’s Journey and Her Role with It

In the evolving times of publications losing traditional ad revenue, Atifa Silk pitches Campaign Asia as a brand that successfully integrated mediums. The Brand Director discusses the journey of the publication with our Editor...

Vatika’s Message: Be Effective, Less is More

When brands execute objective-driven marketing campaigns, more often than not it is associated with the use of high budgets. It is important to focus on impact. At times reach is misinterpreted as impact. Sure...

Executive Doodle – Globetrotting Travel Alchemist

Pakistan's potential as a global tourism powerhouse is currently drowned in a sea of incompetence and neglect. As the shadows of mismanagement loom large,...

Sehat Kahani – From Doctor Brides to Entrepreneurs

Synergyzer sat down with Dr. Sara Saeed Khurram and Dr. Iffat Zafar, the visionary co-founders of Sehat Kahani, a groundbreaking telemedicine platform in Pakistan....